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Q&A Series – Episode 277: Do religions condemn high expectations?

Question: Islam and many other religions condemn high expectations. It has taught people to always be satisfied and satisfied. But can we not become addicted to money, fame or goods by being preoccupied with the goal of achieving great things through mental imagery? Where should be the boundary of mind?

Answer: Undoubtedly, all religions, including Islam, have taught us to be contented and satisfied. So we always say thank you Alhamdulillah for everything! The second aspect of gratitude is that everything that is good for creation on earth is a blessing from Allah. Naturally, believers have priority over Allah’s blessings.

It is said in the Qur’an, “Allah establishes the believers in this world and in the Hereafter.” For this reason, importance has been given in the Qur’an to paying Zakat along with regular Salat. In other words, getting rich and paying zakat is as important as prayer. Therefore, it is said to search for the wealth of Allah’s grace and spread in the world after finishing the prayer.

Rasulullah (SAW) said, You can envy the person to whom Allah has given a lot of wealth and he spends it in the welfare of creation. Here emphasis is placed on having abundant wealth to spend on the welfare of creation. It is forbidden to be intoxicated only in pleasures.

By following this teaching of the Qur’an, the Companions spread around the then-known world. They ruled half the world at the time of Khulafay Rasheda. And all the people of Arabia became zakat givers.

Along with spiritual progress, they transformed into the only superpower by bringing down the inhumanity of the Roman and Persian empires. Therefore, if the goal of the mind is the welfare of self and creation, then its boundary should be at least the whole world. If the goal is noble, the question of attachment to money, fame or goods is moot. Apart from Rasulullah (SAW), the lives of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Omar, Hazrat Osman, and Hazrat Ali are shining examples.

Source: Q&A | Quantum Method

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