In an ever-changing world, safety and peace remain paramount for many. The Global Peace Index (GPI) 2024,...
In the heart of South Asia, Bangladesh emerges as a beacon of economic potential, drawing the gaze...
Shinto, the indigenous faith of Japan, is a path that intertwines spirituality with the natural world. With...
Harmony in Heritage: Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Confucianism and Its Global Resonance

3 min read
Confucianism, a rich and enduring tradition, has shaped Chinese culture for over two millennia. Rooted in the...
Irreligion and atheism, often considered the antithesis of religious belief, represent a diverse spectrum of thought and...
As we navigate through the spiritual landscapes of the world, Buddhism stands out with its profound teachings...
Forest land statistics offer a critical lens into the health of our planet. Forests, often called the...
প্রশ্নঃ আপনি গ্রাউন্ড জিরো ও শ্রমানন্দের কথা বলেন। আমি তো জিরোতে নাই-ই, বরং মাইনাস-এ আছি। আমার পারিপার্শ্বিক...
Smoking is a social and health problem that affects the overall health of society, including women cigarette...
Smoking, a global health crisis, continues to claim millions of lives annually. So, overall trend is a...