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ছবি: সংগ্রহীত

Economic Association proposes Tk 21 lakh crore alternative

Bangladesh Economic Association is active struggle number 94-112 on the 20th for the fiscal year 20234. The TMC’s announcement is three times the sum of peace in the financial year and the finance minister on June 1 is going to increase its tally from 64 crore on March 7 by 2 percentage points 7 times.

Abul Barkat of the Economic Association. Bangladesh Economic Organization Program Ainul Islam on Thursday.

Abul Barka, the organization of the association, has been given an alternative proposal to achieve the next 10 struggles. Raising 70-80 percent of the budget to the middle class, reducing inequality to a minimum, distributing the ownership of the rich class among the poor and low-income people, giving the highest importance to the country’s economy in development, creating opportunities for development science and enlightenment and creating employment opportunities for the people.

Abul Barkat also said that now the main reason for the misery of the people is inflation; People have saved, they have made debts. Consumption has reduced rights, especially I’m talking about King A lot of people. The law is also losing the ability to buy acceptance letters. “The lower middle class is on the verge of extinction. Unemployment or the price of goods is nothing less.

“It is possible to give Rs 2,000 crore for voting,” he said. If inequality is to be reduced, it must be stopped. Discrimination is not less if the rights are done. In addition, if 90 percent of the low income of the society is reduced, their employment and income increase.

In addition, Abul Barat said, “Who will have problems due to the new visa meeting of America, the discussion is not decided. But 90 percent of the country’s people will not have problems. You don’t need a U.S. visa.

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