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World Muslim population by percentage, world, map

World Muslim population by percentage | Photo by Wikipedia

Global Faiths: Charting the Top 10 Nations with the Largest Muslim Populations

In a world of diverse cultures and beliefs, Islam stands as the second-largest religion globally, with followers spanning across various continents. As of 2024, the Muslim population continues to grow, with significant concentrations in Asia and Africa. Here’s a look at the countries with the largest Muslim populations, based on the latest data:

  1. Pakistan – With a staggering Muslim population of 240.8 million, Pakistan leads the list. The country’s cultural and religious landscape is predominantly shaped by Islamic traditions.
  2. Indonesia – Home to 236 million Muslims, Indonesia ranks second. The nation is known for its unique blend of Islamic modernism and traditionalism.
  3. India – India boasts a Muslim population of 200 million, making it the country with the third-largest Muslim community, despite not being an Islamic majority state.
  4. Bangladesh – With 153.7 million Muslims, Bangladesh comes in fourth. The country’s majority population practices Islam, deeply influencing its societal norms.
  5. Nigeria – Nigeria’s Muslim population stands at 104.7 million, reflecting the religious diversity within the African continent.
  6. Egypt – In Egypt, 90.4 million Muslims live, adhering to the faith that has been integral to the country’s identity for centuries.
  7. Iran – Iran, with 80.9 million Muslims, is a nation where Islam is not just a religion but also a cornerstone of its political framework.
  8. Turkey – Turkey’s Muslim population is 79.1 million, showcasing the country’s rich Islamic heritage that dates back to the Ottoman Empire.
  9. Iraq – Iraq has a Muslim population of 41.4 million, with the faith playing a central role in the country’s history and daily life.
  10. Algeria – Rounding out the top ten is Algeria, with 39.4 million Muslims, highlighting the prevalence of Islam in North African societies.

These numbers reflect the widespread adherence to Islam and its impact on the cultural, social, and political spheres of these nations.


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